by Libby Malin A funny video by mystery author Parnell Hall (like moi, an Edgar nominee!) has been making the rounds. Maybe you've seen it. If not, here 'tis: Whew -- that's the first time I embedded a video. Hope it comes through okay. If not, you can go to this link to see it. Parnell's poking good-natured fun at challenges all authors who aren't bestsellers face--how do you get the word out and draw crowds to book signings and to buy your book in general? Here's the secret -- Okay, you didn't really think I'd give away the secret, did you? Especially when I don't know what it is myself! :-) Seriously, most authors do their best to attract folks to a book signing with the usual tricks of the trade. Personally, I send out postcards announcing the signing to a growing list of folks interested in my books. I have one list of all the folks in my neighborhood and I'm sure to add a little label on th