No, I have not gotten a little too cozy with my bottle of The Macallan 18. I know what day it is: “The Virtuoso” hits the shelves today, featuring the youngest son of the Duke and Duchess of Moreland, Lord Valentine Windham. This should have been an easy book to write because I’d had both “The Heir,” and “The Soldier” to get to know my hero. Lord Val is a younger loyal brother, intelligent without being academic, and tall, dark and handsome (of course). He’s also, as the Windham series readers know, a virtuoso pianist. In fact, that’s about all he is, at least in his own estimation. According to the Rules of Romance, it thus became imperative that I take Lord Valentine’s music away from him. This did not sit at all well with Lord Val, and it positively tortured me . There was a time long ago when I was defined by my devotion to the keyboard, so I had more than theoretical empathy for my hero. My friends were musicians, my hobby was music, my profession was music, my academic fo