Realization 1: I’m not getting any younger. Okay, so that’s an obvious one, but it’s important! You see, the horrible realization is that I may actually never be in better shape than I am now. OUCH! I mean, I’m not 5000 lbs or anything, but I’m not exactly in skinny jeans either. I work out regularly–even have a trainer/sadist–but the truth is, I’m 50 years old and very active. Odds are that I’m never going to get MORE active. I’ll never put in the effort to become a lean, mean, fighting machine. I’m more of a chunky, happy, occasionally aggressive middle aged woman. Realization 2: I should never put off a dream if I can do it now. Well, that’s not exactly true. If I’m picking between two dreams, well then I have to prioritize, right? (Do I hang out with Joss Whedon or Johnny Depp? Hmmm) Sadly, that’s not today’s choice. Today’s dream goes like this: I’ve always wanted to compete on the national stage in racquetball. For those of you who don’t know, I was a pro racquetball player