I’ve been watching Doctor Who since I was a kid. It used to scare me terribly (does anyone else remember the disembodied hand that would strangle people? Or was it just me who had to take a run at my bed in case there was a hand under it?—I was about 8 at the time). As an adult I loved the reboot—that may also have had something to do with David Tennant. The reboot has made some innocent items scary. Is that an extra shadow in my bedroom? And don’t start me on the gas mask thing *shudder*. Because it’s Halloween I thought I’d share my own story of the terrifying innocuous thing. Several years ago I lived in Victoria for about six months, cold, wet and down the peninsula (which meant colder and wetter and closer to the Navy base). Lying in bed drifting off to sleep listening to the rain… Yeerk, yeerk, yeerk My eyes open wide. “Did you here that?” “What?” said Hubby who obviously hadn’t heard anything because he was asleep. “That! It sounds like someone against the glass.