Now that all of the delici ous Christmas baked goods and candies have been consumed, and I’m back to paying attention to what I eat (and yes that means joining Weight Watchers…for the 3rd and final time!) winter has lost most of its appeal for me. While I don’t like snow, ice, wind, or cold weather, I really do enjoy those warmish days ahea d when the sun is bright overhead reflecting off the snow that is left on the ground, creating a fabulously clean, fresh landscape pleasing to the eye and to one’s sense of smell. Just look at this poor chilly Blue Jay trying to warm up on our front steps. But I m iss my flowers. So looking ahead toward one of my favorite ti mes of the year, Spring, I thought I’d post a couple of pictur es in and around our yard taken during the Spring and Summer months. Every once in awhile, I remember to go grab my camera when a Swallowtail Butterfly or Dragonfly land in the Butterfly bushes surrounding our Bluestone patio. So looking ahead until Spring and