Ah, Christmas…love it or hate it, you can’t deny how pretty it is. All those twinkling lights, candy canes, tinsel, and sparkly reindeers. Not to mention the air waves filled with catchy Christmas carols you can’t help humming when you hear them. All. Day. Long. I am one of those people who love Christmas. And in my household, I do almost all of it—outside decorations, inside decorations, gift buying, elf re-positioning (those of you with kids will understand this), and most of the shopping. Rumor has it, I may even stuff my own stocking with my favorite chocolate treats! My husband likes opening presents with the kids on Christmas morning and eating our big Christmas dinner (and afternoon football), but if he didn’t have us, I’m pretty sure his only nod to the festive season would be a chocolate Santa he bought for himself at the drug store and the turkey dinner at Swiss Chalet. I decided a while ago, that I’m okay with that. Christmas is one of those h