Christmas is behind me. The decorations have been put away and I've got to get serious about the extra pounds hanging around my middle! Good grief! However, a new year is about to begin. Each year this time I start thinking about what may lie ahead. Not that I worry about it. I just try to look at all the good things that I know are coming and imagine how they might change my life. I once heard a talk by a well-known author and she said something that stuck in my head. “On the clearest, calmest day on the ocean you can only see roughly three miles.” The span depends on how tall you are and the three miles is for a six-foot person. But the unknown is a tad bit scary. I like to know what's out there. I’ve never been a particularly bold person. What joys are coming? What pitfalls await? Who knows. My flashlight only shines a beam so far. Here’s what I do know—I have five book releases scheduled in 2017 and that’s staggering. * * * TEXAS REDEMP