"Cheers" by Rosen Georgiev - Freedigitalphotos.net I've never really been one to whoop it up at a big, noisy party on New Year's Eve. My favorite plan is having no plan at all - just staying home where it's quiet and cozy warm, and leaving the icy roads and inclement weather to the younger and fiestier set. Tonight, we'll cook dinner for two, open a nice bottle of pinot noir, cuddle on the couch with the cats, and hit up the Netflix queue for a movie marathon! This year's double feature is "The Avengers" and "The Dark Knight Rises." Yeah, for someone who writes romance, there aren't a lot of traditional rom-coms in my queue - okay, ZERO rom-coms in my queue - but let's just say that the "hot dudes wearing leather" group is very well represented. Depending on what time the movies end and how tired we are when that happens, we might turn to CNN and watch Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin count down the