by Amanda Forester Hello all you nice people in blogger land. Today is my day to blog, but it is also the day before I have a manuscript due. A manuscript that is not ready yet. And that terrifying reality gives me hives and makes me doubt myself. What on earth makes me think I can write a book? (Never mind those other books I somehow published). Seriously, I don't have time. I really don't. After going to work and then coming home and taking care of the kids, and the pets, and the house, and the husband, and writing that PTA newsletter I have no idea why I signed up for, and doing the fundraising for my kids sports team, and a hundred other things that demand my time like angry Canadian geese (the most scary image I could think of at the moment relating to a horrible childhood experience involving a loaf of bread and a hungry goose - shudder) why, why am I doing this to myself? Let me think... Oh right - I actually love this. Because even though ri