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Showing posts from June, 2017

Take a trip back to the American frontier!

Is there anything more American than the gritty frontier stories of the Wild West? This Independence Day, why not take a trip back to a time when hard work and dedication built our nation from the ground up! Check out this excerpt from Last Chance Cowboys: The Outlaw and have a spectacular 4th of July weekend! ### Amanda fought her attacker with all her might, ineffectually flailing away at him with both fists. Then, realizing her nails and teeth were better weapons, she raked his neck even as she bit down hard and got a mouth filled with the taste of her attacker’s leather glove for her trouble. She struggled to free herself from his solid, muscular body pinning hers to the ground by straddling her. She went completely still, hoping to surprise him, but he hauled her to her feet, leaving her hat in the dirt and her hair falling free of the pins she’d used to hide it under the crown of the Stetson. She took some pride in the realization that she’d put up enough of a f

Here's JUST THE THING for Independence Day!

Just in time for July 4th, Independence Day, comes the story of a Marine who's come back to the States, fighting his own battle for freedom. Gavin's a funny guy. He's got a loving family, friends, and a job where he's valued. But he can't forgive himself for surviving when so many of his friends died. If he doesn't free himself from the burden of guilt and embrace what living means, he'll have nowhere to spiral but down. Zoe lost her sister to a tragic accident, but she's learning to move on. Together, she and Gavin must just be what the other needs to learn that love and forgiveness go hand in hand. I'm not big on angst. I like a romance that's light and fun and leaves you feeling warm inside. But there are moments when tragedy needs to occur, to stir up conflict and get it churning. Because without it, there can be no peace when past hurts are buried inside. That's my favorite part of this book, watching Gavin grow from a man who hide

Upcoming release: Fuel for Fire by Julie Ann Walker

The instant Chelsea’s lips touched his, Dagan realized she was the reason he had a mouth. So that he could kiss her. Taste her. Take her sweet, earthy essence inside himself. “Aw, look at you two.” Ace’s voice broke the intimacy of the kiss. “You’re making my ding dong and my ping pongs all tingly. But as the inimitable Short Round in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom would say, ‘No time for love, Dr. Jones!’ We need to get out of here before these dickheads wake up. So unlock those lips, untie Chelsea, and let’s get on the stick.” Untie Chelsea … Those two words were hammer strikes at Dagan’s head. Jesus H.  What was he doing? T aking advantage of a woman who is handcuffed and hog - tied, that ’ s what. Nausea swirled low in his belly. With a snarl of disgust, he broke the kiss. “Check their pockets,” he instructed the others, rubbing a hand over his mouth to massage what remained of Chelsea’s sweet kiss into his lips. “Find the drive.” “Aye-a

Take Time to Breathe

I am chronically busy.  Relentlessly busy.  Drag my tired butt from work to the grocery store to piano lessons to soccer practice busy.   With the day job and the kids I have an endless barrage of commitments and obligations, keeping me pulled in multiple directions.  Of course there’s fun in all the craziness, but it’s not terribly conducive to finding time to write the next bestselling novel (see Heather’s blog from yesterday to get some ideas).  I was hanging by my fingernails at the end of my rope when I finally I realized I needed to take a break.  A quick search for places to retreat led me to the St. Placid Priory , a Benedictine Monastery Retreat House.  Yeah, I really ran away, away.  The accommodations were not fancy by any stretch.  It was plain. It was simple.  And it was quiet.  Blessedly quiet.  Take a deep breath and try to remember who you are quiet.  It was exactly what I needed.  I was there for no more than a few hours when I did something I have not

Writing when you have no time.

The writing groove is back and better than ever. Only thing missing now is (drum roll please) TIME! Summer is here, which means my girls are off of school and dying to be busy every second of the day. So between swimming lessons, art classes, and dance class, I'm dang tired by the time the end of the day rolls around and the last thing I can do is sit in front of my computer and write romance when the blare of hip hop music plays from our Alexa, while the the annoying tween and teen voices from Bunk'd sounds from our TV. Needless to say, it really sucks getting that mojo back and not having the time to do it. So, for the sake of my sanity, I've come up with a little somethig to help me put those words on the paper. Top Five Secrets for Getting the Words Down When Time is Not Your Friend. 1.  The phone.  Oh, yes. I do this often. Between doctors appointments and dance class, I have that baby out, typing away my ideas and scenes with the convenience of my Android.

SEAL Wolf Undercover and Night of the Wolf

The skies have really been spectacular lately–beautiful storm clouds, yet, they’re not really producing storms, just an art pallet of color. Uh, huh. It’s thundering out now. I was out taking pictures of the thunderheads, all blue and white, this morning. Tanner, the Havanese chilling out on the jaguar blanket is a jaguar wannabe.  I took the picture of the jaguars at the Cameron Park Zoo. SEAL Wolf Undercover is coming out in August, but I was just finishing up edits on Flight of the White Wolf and the novella: Night of the Wolf, that will be in the re-release of Heart of the Wolf. Can't wait to show off the cover. It's coming out in January. Amazon: Barnes and Noble: iBooks: Kobo: Google Play:

Hot Days, a Hot Read, and a Hot Sale by Abbie Roads

It's been sweltering hot here in Central Ohio. And of course what better time for our air conditioner to start acting up than right now! The good news is that it's still blowing cold air. The bad news is that it's leaking water all over the basement. The even worse news is that it's thirty years old and has to be replaced rather than repaired. In other news, I've been hard at work on my next novel which is set in winter. It's strange writing about snow and cold when it's in the 90's with high humidity here. Which reminds me of my novel RACE THE DARKNESS. This book is set at this exact time of year--the weeks leading up to July 4th!  And guess what? Guess what? Guess what? **It's on SALE !**  Grab your copy for only  $1.99 . But hurry, the sale lasts only a few days! AMAZON BARNES AND NOBLE GOOGLE KOBO And to wet your appetite, here's the first two chapters for your reading enjoyment! RACE THE D