I was always picked last for teams in gym class. And honestly, I can’t blame my classmates. I am woefully uncoordinated. I daydream and walk into walls, stumble off curbs. I’ve learned to shrug and dust myself off. However, while I’m comfortable in my clumsy skin, I do enjoy seeing others excel in sports. The Olympic Games in London are playing on my flat screen TV as I type, providing plenty of inspiration for our July theme of all things HOT! With that in mind, I’m celebrating a few especially hot Olympic athletes! Nick Symmonds (Runner) Ryan Lochte (Swimmer) Jordan Burroughs (Wrestler) And for you historical fans.... Soren Thompson (Fencer) Whew! (Fanning myself!) Let the games begin!! ~*~*~*~ What’s your favorite Olympic sport in the summer or winter games? One winner will be chosen at random from the comments on Monday, August 6, 2012. Winner will receive a copy of my books UNDER FIRE (Sourcebooks) and AN INCONVENIENT AFFAIR (Harlequin Desire.) US