Launch parties are so much fun and now it’s my turn to celebrate the release of Hex in High Heels. It was a given I’d write Blair’s story after writing Stasi’s story in Wicked by Any Other Name . All I can say is it was a total blast to write. So what did I have? A sassy witch gifted in revenge spells. How I’d love having someone like that in my friendship circle! A sexy carpenter (I’d have such a to-do list for him around the house!) that could repair things around the house one day and I could take him to the dog park the next. A small town filled with friends and elves from Hades. Hm, wait a minute? Elves from Hades? Not literally from Hades, but considering they weren’t the cute Santa type, you’d have to wonder just where they did come from. And Jake’s mother pads into town. Let’s just say there’s no warm and fuzzies with that Were mom. No wonder Blair asked Jake if he couldn’t have been adopted. So we have a variety of characters, Fluff and Puff finding a unique way to stay in Moo...