So a couple of weeks ago was the annual Romantic Times Book Lovers Convention (or RT for short!). This year it was held in Atlanta and I have to say, I'm really glad I went!
This was my third RT - first one was in Dallas back in 2015, then last year in Las Vegas and now this. And I have to admit, this one was kind of my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED going to Vegas last year, but my hubby was with me and we did more stuff on our own than at the convention so I almost don't even feel I was really at RT. But this year? Oh my goodness, what a time!
Let me start by saying that I go to these events in two modes - a reader and a writer. I totally fangirl when I get to meet some of my favorite authors! And this year was no different. I got to meet actress Meg Tilly who now writes romance as Sara Flynn! I gasped, I shook hands with her and then yammered on about being a fan of the movie "The Big Chill" and then made sure that I said hello to her every single time I saw her. Lol! She may or may not have been ready to call security...
And that was just on day one!
I spoke on a panel about the importance of book clubs/street teams, I was a Pop Up author and was one of the hosts of a fantastic reader event called Sweet, Sassy Spicy and you'll see from the group author picture, we had some great Sourcebooks authors in the lineup! I met some amazing readers at that event who just blew me away with their enthusiasm and kindness and I would have spent the entire day with them if I could!
If you've never gone to one of these events before, I do highly recommend it. There is just so much going on all the time and I know that I didn't even scratch the surface on all that was offered! I got to hang out with some amazing readers and then go off and spend time with some of my favorite author friends! For those of you who know me, you probably saw how much time Erin Nicholas and I were spending together - mostly ordering from GrubHub and relaxing!
Then there was the MASSIVE signing. Oh my goodness! What a crowd! Personally, I love this kind of thing. I love meeting people, signing books, giving away swag...I love the energy in the room and it's just a lot of fun. Exhausting, but fun!
The grand finale of the trip, was going out Saturday night with the fabulous Sara Humphreys and going back to one of the places we visited on our Roadtripping with Romance book tour last summer - Nic & Norman's in Senoia, GA. Great food, lots of laughs and honestly, it was nice to leave the hotel for a little while and just talk and hang out without all the noise!
So now that the whirlwind week is over, it's back to work as I get ready to release the next book in the Shaughnessy Brothers series, A SKY FULL OF STARS! You can preorder your copy here: We gave away a TON of copies at RT and I've been giving away advanced copies on my Facebook page every Friday night so make sure you stop by, like the page and enter to win!!
There is also a pre-order giveaway going on right now through June 1st that you can enter to win a fantastic basket of goodies related to the story!
Happy Reading!!!
This was my third RT - first one was in Dallas back in 2015, then last year in Las Vegas and now this. And I have to admit, this one was kind of my favorite. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED going to Vegas last year, but my hubby was with me and we did more stuff on our own than at the convention so I almost don't even feel I was really at RT. But this year? Oh my goodness, what a time!
Let me start by saying that I go to these events in two modes - a reader and a writer. I totally fangirl when I get to meet some of my favorite authors! And this year was no different. I got to meet actress Meg Tilly who now writes romance as Sara Flynn! I gasped, I shook hands with her and then yammered on about being a fan of the movie "The Big Chill" and then made sure that I said hello to her every single time I saw her. Lol! She may or may not have been ready to call security...
And that was just on day one!
I spoke on a panel about the importance of book clubs/street teams, I was a Pop Up author and was one of the hosts of a fantastic reader event called Sweet, Sassy Spicy and you'll see from the group author picture, we had some great Sourcebooks authors in the lineup! I met some amazing readers at that event who just blew me away with their enthusiasm and kindness and I would have spent the entire day with them if I could!
The grand finale of the trip, was going out Saturday night with the fabulous Sara Humphreys and going back to one of the places we visited on our Roadtripping with Romance book tour last summer - Nic & Norman's in Senoia, GA. Great food, lots of laughs and honestly, it was nice to leave the hotel for a little while and just talk and hang out without all the noise!
So now that the whirlwind week is over, it's back to work as I get ready to release the next book in the Shaughnessy Brothers series, A SKY FULL OF STARS! You can preorder your copy here: We gave away a TON of copies at RT and I've been giving away advanced copies on my Facebook page every Friday night so make sure you stop by, like the page and enter to win!!
There is also a pre-order giveaway going on right now through June 1st that you can enter to win a fantastic basket of goodies related to the story!
Happy Reading!!!
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