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Happy Day After Christmas! by Tracey Devlyn

Welcome to the morning after! If you celebrate the holidays, I hope you had a happy and safe gathering with your family, friends, four-legged BFF, or favorite movie.

The Devlyn household enjoyed a low-key holiday this year. Christmas Eve was spent at my sister-in-law's house, where about fifteen of us gathered. The adults participated in a grab bag exchange and the kids tore through their many presents in no time flat.

The hubby and I spent Christmas day alone. We have a long-standing tradition of eating crab legs while watching Little Women. Yes, my husband is a saint. Why this movie and not one of the more traditional stories like A Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life, or even the humorous A Christmas Story? I have no idea. :)

There's just something about Jo March's journey into womanhood that speaks to me. At the start of the movie, she is not comfortable in her own skin. She feels her destiny lies beyond hearth and home and yearns to appease her writerly soul. Watching Jo conquer each of these elements never gets old. Each year, I learn something new from this story.

What movie do you watch time and again? I'd love to hear why.

Please stop by my blog, between now and Saturday, and leave a comment for a chance to win a Christmas book from one of my all-time favorite authors.

While you're there, take a peek at my In The Flesh section on my website's Home page. If you're going to be attending any of those events, let me know. I'd love to meet you!

Goodbye 2011, Hello 2012!


A LADY'S REVENGE, Coming April 1, 2012!/TraceyDevlyn


  1. I always think of Joey on FRIENDS when I see Little Women. There was an episode when he read it and his reaction was so cute. Went to your website and I'm hoping to be in Anaheim this summer. Save me a place at dinner?

  2. My "when all else fails" movie is "Pretty Woman." Edward's (Richard Gere's) arc is marvelous, and the happily ever after snatched from the jaws of despair (on my part).

    Haven't seen "Little Women," might have to start a list here, ladies...

  3. I could watch Moonstruck once a week and not get tired of it. It's simply perfect.
    I plan to be in Anaheim. See you then!

  4. Whenever Joss Whedon's Serenity is on, I always stop to watch. Which is probably why my son got it for me for Christmas. Along with Mel Brook's Spaceballs. My baby knows me well.

  5. So glad to hear that other couples have similar holiday rituals! It's been awhile since I watched "Little Women" but even now I can easily recall how Winona Ryder rocked as Jo...and Claire Danes as Beth simply devastated me, as she usually does.

    Mark and I eat artichoke dip while watching "A Christmas Story", which we both think is about as close to perfection as a movie can get. Last night, as a chaser, we blew through about 5 episodes of "Big Bang Theory."

  6. Carolyn--I would have loved to have seen that episode with Joey! See you in Anaheim, my friend!

  7. Grace--Love Pretty Woman! Wish I could get over my fear of heights like he did. :)

  8. Cheryl--It's been an age since I've seen Moonstruck, but I loved the movie. See you in Anaheim!

  9. Stephanie--I haven't seen Serenity (will have to start a list like Grace), but Spaceballs is classic good times.

  10. Tamara--My husband pointed out last night that Claire Danes's scenes get me every time. She's such a tragic figure in the story. Love artichoke dip - my sister-in-law's is awesome.

  11. Around the holidays I enjoy watching "White Christmas" with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye. It's part story part variety show and always puts me in the Christmas spirit.

  12. Amanda--Yes, White Christmas is definitely a feel-good story.

  13. I guess I will show my age by saying I like the version of Little Women with Greer Garson the best! I can (and have) watch LadyHawke, Star Trek IV, The Green Mile and The Sound of Music over and over...and I agree that Pretty Woman is worth seeing again and again...I had the privilege of seeing the hotel elevator where a scene from the movie was filmed (-:


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