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Showing posts from October, 2018

Excerpt from Recklessly Ever After

Gavin St. James After the hell I’ve been through in the Marines—in life—there’s nothing I crave more than routine, stability, peace. Until McKenna Brewer walks into my life.  She’s impulsive, fiery, tempting as hell, and everything I don’t need. But when she offers me a night of no-strings-attached passion, I can’t resist. When our night together has unexpected consequences, I can’t help but think this might be the perfect opportunity to show McKenna just how much I want her.  The only problem? She doesn’t do forevers. But forever is exactly what I need with her. *** Recklessly Ever After is available now! Enjoy this excerpt! With a couple of nineties rom-coms tucked inside my purse, and a fresh carton of Ben & Jerry’s   in a bag hanging off my forearm, buried in the bottom of my purse, I was determined to make up for lost time. I knocked twice, like always. Once to make my presence known, and the next to make sure Max wasn’t in there...

Excerpt from Between a Highlander and a Hard Place

A fierce Englishwoman on the run... A Highland Laird who needs a proper wife... And a desire neither can resist. Athena Trappes thinks she’s in love…until she discovers the scoundrel only wanted her as his bit on the side. Enraged, she does what any spirited Englishwoman would do: set fire to his belongings, incur his dangerous wrath, and flee—immediately. With nowhere else to turn, she seeks freedom in the wilds of Scotland. Highland Laird Symon Grant lost his wife years ago, and it’s his duty to find another. Athena is not exactly what the clan has in mind for him, but Symon’s heart burns with unexpected passion for the woman who would risk everything to be free. *** Between a Highlander and a Hard Place  is available October 30th! Enjoy this excerpt! The difficulty with escaping was a person needed a place to go. Athena discovered the truth of her dilemma once she spied her uncle’s home. The moon was rising, but the night was still bitter. The sturdy wool dress s...

For the love of ravens

I just finished reading T he Ravenmaster: My Life with the Ravens atthe Tower of London , and I recommend it wholeheartedly. You may know the legend – if the ravens ever leave the Tower, the kingdom will fall. If you don’t, you’ll find out more about it in this book, along with folklore, history, and superstitions about ravens. You’ll also learn about Yeoman Warder Christopher Skaife, who is responsible for caring for the ravens. In The Ravenmaster , he tells us all about the birds, each with their own distinct personality, and their routines. What they eat, where they sleep, how they will steal your snacks, especially Pringles, how intelligent they are, their pecking order and social structure. His affection and respect for his charges show clearly. They have an inspiring partnership. Skaife is honest and funny. A really enjoyable book. 

A Constant Battle

by Cheryl Brooks About two years ago, my new doctor recommended that I lose some weight. My liver enzymes had been elevated for a few years, which my previous doctor never seemed to notice. A CT of the abdomen for an unrelated problem had shown some fatty liver disease, which was the probable cause of the abnormal labs. He said only a few pounds would make a big difference, otherwise, I was looking at the possibility of developing cirrhosis of the liver, even without excessive alcohol intake.  As it turned out, since the previous lab work was drawn (which were the results he was looking at), I had already lost about five pounds, mainly from working my ass off all summer. The results were still in the high end of normal, so he encouraged me to lose even more weight, and it didn't have to be a lot. Another five pounds would be enough. Something in his manner suggested he didn't think I could do it. He was wrong. I started on a diet (the Mediterranean diet minus sugar, bre...

Acts of Kindness

I’ve been thinking about kindness lately. Some days it seems in short supply in the world. So I googled “random acts of kindness” and made a list of some things that I will add to my repertoire to spread some kindness. Send out encouragement. Maybe a heartening email to a friend or acquaintance. Maybe a positive comment on a website. Praise for a local business you patronize. Read an awesome book, article or blog post? Send a little love to the author. Trash. I’ve wheeled my neighbor’s trash bins back from the curb when I did my own. Why not? I’m out there anyway. Picking up bits of refuse here and there and throwing them in a container is nice too. Gratitude. It’s known to be good for you. What if you thanked someone at least once a week? Even wrote and sent thank you notes? Giving. For example, a nimal shelters are always in need of supplies and can use your old towels and blankets. I have volunteered with the ASPCA and seen how their rescues en...

Excerpt from JUST THIS ONCE

He can’t have her. So he moves in with her… What could possibly go wrong? As heir to a chain of luxury hotels, Sean Wyse III always gets what he wants. So when he sees a freeloading roommate taking advantage of his spunky best friend, Molly Brandt, he doesn’t hesitate to step in. He kicks out the roommate…and moves himself in.  Molly loves quality time with Sean, but spending nights with him one wall away threatens to wake the crush she thought she’d gotten over. A crush Sean knows nothing about, which might be a problem…considering how hard Sean’s been working never to think of Molly that way. *** Enjoy this excerpt from Just This Once ! Molly wanted him out of her apartment. Sean had promised her brother he ’d stay.   And now his best friend had started playing dirty to get her way. “Moll, don’t,” Sean warned through gritted teeth. Instead of springing off him and retreating to her side of the couch the way he wanted, she cocked her head...


Fake engagements are a dangerous business. Bryan James’s job is on thin ice unless he can secure a contract with a popular design house. He knows his best friend’s sister can help—but her terms are more than he bargained for. Alexis Devers’s debut fashion line is a hit. But when Alexis’s publicist tells buyers that it landed her a wealthy, gorgeous fiancé, Alexis needs to come up with one—fast. Bryan’s offer to strike a deal is perfectly timed. She’s more than willing—on one condition…  It’s the perfect plan…until feelings start getting in the way. Suddenly, the dangers of mixing business and pleasure become much more real than either of them expected. *** Enjoy this excerpt where Bryan and Alexis talk business, with a little flirting. Taking a moment to compose himself, he followed her down the hall. He always gave himself something of a silent pep talk before a presentation, but that tradition was quickly quashed as his eyes landed on her shapely b...