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Fun New Adventure by Terri L. Austin

If you’ve met me for five minutes (or if you read my tweets) you’ll know I have a mad pash for reality TV. For years, my husband has chided me as I sit and faithfully live tweet Real Housewives and Southern Charm. I’d tweet more shows, but I usually record them and watch them as time permits.

Recently, I started contributing to All About The Tea, a reality website that shares recaps, scoops, and news about my favorite reality shows. So far, I’ve recapped Housewife blogs, which I LOVE because sometimes those ladies go wild as they try to explain away their behavior for the week.

I don’t know why I’m drawn to reality TV. I think in another life I would have been a cultural anthropologist. That’s sort of what this is like—watching rich, semi-famous women in their somewhat natural habitat. Now I know a lot of the storylines are there for our viewing pleasure, but often you get real moments. Poignant moments. You see the good and bad in everyone. And I don’t believe you can fake a personality for an entire season. To observe how people react in these (usually) forced groups is always fascinating for me.

When my son came home from school a few weeks ago, he dragged me into a new show. Ink Masters. I don’t have any tattoos. I’m far too squeamish to ever think about it, but after watching a few episodes I found myself casting a critical eye on contestants’ wobbly lines and dubious shading. Never mind the fact that I couldn’t draw a straight line to save my life. But that’s the fun thing about watching these shows—it turns everyone into an armchair authority.

So this is my life lately. During the day, I’m get to write fiction—I’m currently working on a romance series featuring Irish expats. Heaven! And in my spare time I get to write about reality TV. The cherry on my awesome sundae. I’m blessed, I tell you!

If you’re like me and you’ve never met a Housewife show you didn’t like, stop by and say hello. Or come join me for live tweeting. It's addictive!



  1. Hi, Terri,
    I have to check out Ink Masters. I've been hearing great things about that show. I had bad ink that a talented artist covered up with a gorgeous lotus blossom.
    I love the design competitions, and Project a Runway is my fave. I don't tweet (unless I'm really happy or upset about the judge's decision.)

    1. I love the lotus blossoms, Ashlyn! You can catch up on Ink Master via Hulu. I warn you, you will get sucked in!

  2. I like to tweet about Downton Abbey and Outlander when they're on. The problem is I rarely get to watch anything live. I love the idea of an Irish expat series! I know quite a few of those in the Irish dance world.

    1. Oooo, Shana! Would any of those Irish friends like to talk to me? *please say yes, please say yes* There's entire community of late tweeters. Tweet away about your favorites. You'll connect w/ a tribe of Downtonites very quickly.

  3. As you know by now, I'm stalking you (politely) on AATT. I don't get Bravo so I have to live on your tweets and recaps. I love the shiny shows. And I LOVE Downton too. Reality TV of a very different sort. :) Irish voices remind me of my late mum. In her cups the brogue was thick. :) If I ever need to think of character conflicts etc, out comes Reality TV. So delicious. And since I'm on Weight Watchers, I'll take all the calorie-free nosh I can get these days.

    1. I love an Irish brogue. And you'll be in good WW company w/ the housewives. They often throw dinner parties, but they don't eat. They just drink until they cat fight. :)

  4. Is InkMasters on anywhere besides Hulu? I loved the Kat VonD series and while I have no tattoos (not for lack of trying to get one past the hubby) I appreciate the real artists who do such great 3-D work. We love the reality shows like Amazing Race and Master Chef where there's competitions. I don't have time to watch a lot of tv and we PVR everything so no tweeting for me. :)


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