Jade's New Life Challenges Hello everyone! Guess what? A. Jade has won the lottery and made a zillion dollars! B. Jade has had a summer melt down that involved bourbon and strippers, and is now writing from jail. + C. Had a baby! D. Has developed a medical condition that makes her insane. Answer: D. I suppose C and D could be true and I really wish A was true, but sadly, no. What happened? I've been diagnosed with a hyper-active thyroid. Now before you start thinking "poor Jade," let me express that this condition is fully treatable, is genetic (my mom and aunts all have it as well as my sisters), and will really not cause more than a minor adjustment in my life once we get things under control. Now you get to guess what my reaction was when we finally got the diagnosis. A. OMG I'm going to DIE! B. OMG I can't tell anyone! I've been bragging about how healthy I am. No one can know! C. OMG, it's so damned hot in here! Did s...