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Memorial Day by Shana Galen

Happy Memorial Day. I hope you have the day off or are celebrating in some way, shape, or form. As a kid, I didn’t have any notion of what Memorial Day was or meant. I only knew it was a day off of school, or signaled the end of school, and a day when both of my parents would be home to play with me.

As I grew older, it still didn’t mean much to me because I didn’t know anyone who was enlisted in the armed forces. Once I told my dad this, and he informed me that he and my grandfather had both served in wars. He served in the Vietnam War, and my mother’s father served in World War II.

I was fascinated, as any kid with an interest in history would be, and also so proud. I also felt fortunate that Memorial Day could be a day when I could say thank you to veterans and not have to mourn the loss of my father or grandfather.

So thank you, veterans and thank you to the men and women currently enlisted. Know we are thinking of you, remembering you, and thankful to you for all your sacrifices.


  1. Great post, Shana!!! I've been missing posts this weekend, trying to finish up A Highland Wolf Wedding, and it's done!!! As a veteran and daughter of veterans, both my parents were, my dad having been a EX-prisoner-of-war in Germany for 16 months during WWII, and retired from the AF, I totally respect veterans. My own son is a navigator in the AF.

    So many don't realize what the holiday is really for, so it's nice to see our veterans congratulated for fighting our wars. Great post!

  2. Terry, I've been pleased to see so many flags flying this year. It feels like people are really getting in the true spirit of the holiday.

  3. Great post, Shana. Our family tree is dotted with veterans and a flag flies in our front yard, with spot lights, year round so that we remember those who've served and are serving now. We raised it on July 4 a few years ago and Lilybet, our youngest granddaughter (at the time), led us in the Pledge.

  4. My grandfathers,father, husband and son all served proudly in the Army! May God Bless all our military memebers

  5. Thank you for the post, I am always appreciative of the sacrifices so many have made although I am always too shy to approach those I see in uniform.

  6. Oh, Carolyn, that's so sweet. Baby Galen has just noticed flags and, I'm sure, has no idea what they are. Today we've been talking about America and looking at the flag and the stars and stripes on it.

  7. Elf, I'm pretty shy about approaching soldiers as well. I hope they know how much we appreciate them.

  8. My father served in WW2 and I've always been appreciative of that service--even more so when I saw the Ken Burns series. ELF, I asked a military friend about thanking a member of the military. I'd felt as if I were intruding. She said that they appreciate and handshake and and thank you.

  9. Jane, thanks for letting us know. Speaking of which, I should email my grandfather and tell him thanks for his service!

  10. Lovely post, Shana. I have several men in my family I honor on Memorial day too.


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