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What happened to my summer? by Jade Lee

If you've followed me in the blogosphere, you know that I've had an interesting summer. Mostly it's been...

A. Conference, conference, conference. Oh and a racquetball tournament. Why? Were you thinking I did anything different this summer?
How's that for a pink shirt? And no, neither player is me.

B. My daughter's wedding. Sure it was months ago, but hey...I haven't paid for the pictures yet, so in my mind it's been all I've done all year.
C. Massive ADD from hyper-thyroidism. And btw, this blog so far as taken me three days to piece to--squirrel! Laundry! Which project was I on? Oh yeah. Health insurance form...
D. Writing! Writing! Writing!

Answer: All of the above! Yes, I've done conferences, my daughter's wedding, hyperthyroid ADD, and writing. Because of the ADD, what I wrote wasn't really coherent, but I typed things. I know I did. I was probably brilliant but obviously corrupted by that squirrel I saw.

Since I had to cut back on my travel--well, I will soon, I swear--I thought I'd show you some pictures of what Squidge has been doing in my stead.

Squidge attended Hot Mojave Knights in Las Vegas, NV. 
What happens in Vegas... 

Lit in the Lou pic 

Squidge ran away from this pic. It was a gift on my husband's desk chair left by our cat. 
That's why I work on an exercise ball! 

Squidge decided to try it out!

Looking back it seems like I did a lot, but honestly, it's all a blur to me. And since I don't have a manuscript to show for it, I kinda wonder where my last four months went. Oh well. I do finally have a title for my May 2015 book!

A. The Duke's Cunning Plan
B. The Duke's Cunning Linguist [suggested by Damon Suede]
C. The Duke's Best Idea Ever
D. Fifty Ways to Ruin a Rake

Answer: D!  And now I've got to think of ways to ruin a rake to use as chapter headings. If you've got an idea, leave it in the comments section. Someone will win an e copy of my latest book -- What the Groom Wants by Jade Lee.


  1. Sounds to me like you and Squidge had some almighty interesting adventures and I bet when what you wrote comes to light, it's a best seller! As far as summer, where did it go? Seems like only yesterday we were visiting by the elevators about your daughters UPCOMING wedding!

  2. Wow, what a summer! For some reason, I'm exhausted. Best to Squidge. ;)

  3. with a carriage accident?

    bn100candg at hotmail dot com

  4. Good golly, I wish I'd lived the life of Squidge! How to Ruin a Rake....How he helped his grandmother with her knitting.....How he found a chef that cooked so divinely, he never wanted to eat out....How his young relatives kept him so busy, he didn't have time to visit his mistresses....all I can think of at the moment!

  5. Inspired by "50 ways to leave your lover" - Caught slipping out the back, Jack - messed up the plan, Stan - She was way too coy, Roy - The carriage broke a wheel, deal - she kept the key, Lee - There's just no way, guess I'll have to stay!

  6. How to ruin a rake - let it be known that he's kind to little kittens, that he helps the poor, and that he supports orphans.

  7. Squidge didn't want to visit with the dead mouse? :)
    I'm laughing at the "kind to little kittens" one. I can picture it now, a rake playing with a litter of kittens in a barn. LOL


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