From Mia Marlowe...
Huh? What's for supper? Are you kidding me? Who can think about food at a time like this? My hero and heroine have entered the Black Moment and who knows . . .
What? It's just a story. Well, maybe to you, but when I read it's full immersion time. I try on the heroine's fancy slippers and fall in love with the hero (who always looks like my DH, of course!). Just to give you some ideas about how I think about storytelling, I set up a little Q&A. (Note: Pay attention to the questions. You get to pick one or all of them to answer to be entered in the random drawing for my newest release Plaid Tidings!)
QUESTION 1. What’s your favorite movie of all time?
Mia: My favorite movie depends on my mood. If I want a thinking movie, I love BLOOD DIAMOND with Leonardo di Caprio. It's a heartbreaking look at the African diamond trade, tribalism and the redemption possible in a father's unrelenting love. If I want a romantic comedy, THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR with Renee Russo and Pierce Brosnan is pure middle-aged joy! If I'm simply feeling silly, I enjoy GALAXY QUEST with Sigourney Weaver and Tim Allen.
QUESTION 2: How often to you get lost in a story?
Mia: Every single time. Even if I'm not really excited about a book (i.e. some of the picks for my book club have been appallingly gack-worthy!) I look for a character to root for, someone whose life I can try on for a while. If I can do that, even books I wouldn't have chosen come alive in the private theatre in my head.
QUESTION 3: What’s the first book you remember reading?
Mia: I know this isn't the first book I read, but this one really made an impression on me because it opened my mind to the idea of paranormal events. It was A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeline L'Engle. Despite the dismal first line--honest to Pete, she started with "It was a dark and stormy night."--the story opened a new world for me.
QUESTION 4: Where do you read and how often?
Mia: A couple years ago I'd never have believed it, but I'm addicted to reading on my phone. I have a Kindle app and the reason I love it is because wherever I am, I have a book to read. And my library fits neatly into my pocket, so I can read anytime, anywhere.
QUESTION 5: Who’s your favorite villain?
Mia: Boromir from Lord of the Rings. Even though he tries to steal the ring, he has a good motivation for his bad behavior and Tolkien very thoughtfully redeemed him by letting him die in defense of Frodo and the Ring. Of course, it also doesn't hurt that he was played by the drool-worthy Sean Bean.
QUESTION 6: OK, this question has nothing to do with stories, but are you a dog person or cat person?
Mia: Over the years I've had lots of different pets--dogs, cats, horses, fish, tadpoles and one gerbil I thought would never die. But I have to say I love my dogs the best. It's hard to beat that unconditional devotion. Here's a picture of my current pack: Mack the Wonderdog (we wonder what kind of terrier he is) and Prince Harry, some sort of long-haired dachshund mix. They are both rescue dogs and are great writing buddies.
I'll be giving a random commenter a print edition of Plaid Tidings, my Scottish Christmas story that just came out. Take your pick of the questions I answered above and answer one or more about yourself. I'll be posting the winner on my blog on Sunday, so be sure to drop by. Here's a bit about the story:
Not any dashing English lord’s idea of a good time. But now that Lord Alexander Mallory has won a Scottish estate in a hand of cards, he is the unlikely laird of the wild, snowy Bonniebroch. Worse yet, the ancient pile of stones comes with a betrothal. To a fiery red-headed virgin. And a curse.
Alex will have his hands full honoring the first, seducing the second and breaking the third … all by Twelfth Night.
Don't want to wait? Order yours now!
Print: Amazon | B&N | BAM | Indiebound | BookDepository
Ebook: Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | ARe
I love connecting with readers. You can find me at Twitter, Facebook and kicking back and putting up my feet at my cyber-home, . Hope you'll drop by for excerpts, contests and all the latest.
And here's hoping you too get lost in a book!

Huh? What's for supper? Are you kidding me? Who can think about food at a time like this? My hero and heroine have entered the Black Moment and who knows . . .
What? It's just a story. Well, maybe to you, but when I read it's full immersion time. I try on the heroine's fancy slippers and fall in love with the hero (who always looks like my DH, of course!). Just to give you some ideas about how I think about storytelling, I set up a little Q&A. (Note: Pay attention to the questions. You get to pick one or all of them to answer to be entered in the random drawing for my newest release Plaid Tidings!)
QUESTION 1. What’s your favorite movie of all time?
Mia: My favorite movie depends on my mood. If I want a thinking movie, I love BLOOD DIAMOND with Leonardo di Caprio. It's a heartbreaking look at the African diamond trade, tribalism and the redemption possible in a father's unrelenting love. If I want a romantic comedy, THE THOMAS CROWN AFFAIR with Renee Russo and Pierce Brosnan is pure middle-aged joy! If I'm simply feeling silly, I enjoy GALAXY QUEST with Sigourney Weaver and Tim Allen.
QUESTION 2: How often to you get lost in a story?
Mia: Every single time. Even if I'm not really excited about a book (i.e. some of the picks for my book club have been appallingly gack-worthy!) I look for a character to root for, someone whose life I can try on for a while. If I can do that, even books I wouldn't have chosen come alive in the private theatre in my head.
QUESTION 3: What’s the first book you remember reading?
Mia: I know this isn't the first book I read, but this one really made an impression on me because it opened my mind to the idea of paranormal events. It was A WRINKLE IN TIME by Madeline L'Engle. Despite the dismal first line--honest to Pete, she started with "It was a dark and stormy night."--the story opened a new world for me.
QUESTION 4: Where do you read and how often?
Mia: A couple years ago I'd never have believed it, but I'm addicted to reading on my phone. I have a Kindle app and the reason I love it is because wherever I am, I have a book to read. And my library fits neatly into my pocket, so I can read anytime, anywhere.
QUESTION 5: Who’s your favorite villain?

Mia: Boromir from Lord of the Rings. Even though he tries to steal the ring, he has a good motivation for his bad behavior and Tolkien very thoughtfully redeemed him by letting him die in defense of Frodo and the Ring. Of course, it also doesn't hurt that he was played by the drool-worthy Sean Bean.
QUESTION 6: OK, this question has nothing to do with stories, but are you a dog person or cat person?

I'll be giving a random commenter a print edition of Plaid Tidings, my Scottish Christmas story that just came out. Take your pick of the questions I answered above and answer one or more about yourself. I'll be posting the winner on my blog on Sunday, so be sure to drop by. Here's a bit about the story:
Christmas in the Highlands...
Not any dashing English lord’s idea of a good time. But now that Lord Alexander Mallory has won a Scottish estate in a hand of cards, he is the unlikely laird of the wild, snowy Bonniebroch. Worse yet, the ancient pile of stones comes with a betrothal. To a fiery red-headed virgin. And a curse.
Alex will have his hands full honoring the first, seducing the second and breaking the third … all by Twelfth Night.
Don't want to wait? Order yours now!
Print: Amazon | B&N | BAM | Indiebound | BookDepository
Ebook: Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | ARe
I love connecting with readers. You can find me at Twitter, Facebook and kicking back and putting up my feet at my cyber-home, . Hope you'll drop by for excerpts, contests and all the latest.
And here's hoping you too get lost in a book!
Ohh this sounds like fun, let’s give it a try....
ReplyDelete1. Favorite all-time movie would have to be The Italian Job or Much Ado About Nothing, both of which I’ve seen about a gazillion times.
2. I think I get lost in a story the majority of time.
3. Julie Garwood’s Saving Grace
4. I always carry a book with me no e-reader other than my laptop yet!) but my favorite spot is to read in bed just before I drift off to sleep.
5. Hmm, can’t say I actually have a favorite villian....maybe Captain Hook from Once Upon A Time.
6. I would say dog person but neither is probably more appropriate since I’m sadly allergic so I can only admire them from afar lol
That was fun! :)
What a fun post and we get to learn more about you! My favorite movie has to be Steel Magnolias. I watched it three times in one day and cried/laughed every single time. It's what women's fiction is all about!
ReplyDeleteGreat post, Mia and Congrats on your new release! Love the title :)
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movie of all time has to be The Quiet Man with John Wayne and Maureen O'Hara :)
Thanks for sharing, Ada!
ReplyDeleteWhen I'm writing, I have to get lost in the story. That's what makes the characters come alive for me. Movies? Tons. Princess Bride, Romancing the Stone, Christmas--Miracle on 34th, A Christmas Story, etc, etc...Galaxy Quest, Practical Magic, Prince of Persia, The 13th Warrior, Serenity, Labyrinth, Legend...just tons.
ReplyDeleteOMGosh, Steel Magnolias is a three hanky affair. I cried buckets the first time I saw it, Carolyn.
ReplyDeleteCH--Except for the "Here's a stick to beat the lovely lady" line, I enjoy The Quiet Man too.
ReplyDeleteTerry--I can't tell you how often we quote Princess Bride at our house. Anytime someone tries a new challenge it's "Have fun storming the castle, boys!"
ReplyDeleteThat's cute, Mia! Mine is from Galaxy Quest--"Never give up, never surrender!"
ReplyDeleteEvery time, I read a book, I get lost so much in the story, that I forget every thing around me. I love being carried away by Scottish adventures and romances set in the Regency-Victorian era.
ReplyDeleteUmm...what's a Black Moment?
ReplyDelete4. The easiest Q of all: I read everyday; usually at night in bed. That accounts for all my late (or rather really early) nights. My record is reading till 6am.
6. A dog person.
I'll read anywhere. Since my kindle died I always have whatever book I'm reading in my purse.
ReplyDeleteAlways thought I was a dog person, having grown up with a dog. But, once I was adopted my my Miss Kitty and her four kitties I have been a cat person. My cats are the only ones I am not allergic too. The four kitties are sadly gone, but Smokey Joe came and took their place. I wouldn't trade my 2 babies for nothing
ReplyDeleteTerry--Whenever there's a disagreement, "I'm with you fellers" from O Brother, Where Art Thou? tends to diffuse the situation!
ReplyDeleteMe too, Nicole. And when I'm writing, forget about it! My fam is trained to make sure I make eye contact with them and repeat what they've told me if they want to be sure I've heard them.
ReplyDeleteLinda, the Black Moment is when all seems lost, when you're sure there's no way out, no HEA on the horizon. Every good story has one.
ReplyDeleteTanya, sad about your Kindle. The DH gave me a Kindle Fire for my Bday this year, but I still use the free Kindle app on my phone just about as much. However, print books are still all over my condo, so I can't say I'm totally converted to digital.
ReplyDeleteRegencyGirl--I used to have a 25 pound tomcat and he was not overweight. He was just a very big kitty who adored me and tolerated the rest of the fam. Actually Tommy Whiskers was bigger than either of my dogs!
ReplyDeleteI'm with you, Mia. I hate being interrupted when I'm working. I don't understand why people need to eat lunch or dinner when there's a story to write!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite movie is Sliding Doors.
I have about 25 top movies lol. I will pick Forever Young though as my favorite - a wonderful love story.
ReplyDeleteMy treat at the end of the day is always reading in bed late at night when it's quiet except maybe for purring cats and a snoring husband lol.
And I usually get lost in all my stories.
The ones to get me hooked on romance was The Flame and the Flower and The Wolf and the Dove by Kathleeen Woodiwiss.
I am an animal person lol. I've had two wonderful dogs but now I help ferals/strays and at the moment have 5 inside cats and 2 permanent 16 yr. old fixed females outside.
All time favorite movie "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers"
ReplyDeleteI always get lost in a good read - I have to be careful because I lose track of time & that can make me late. I often am almost surprised where I ma when I stop reading.
Dog person - wish I could have a cat, but family allergies make that impossible.
sallans d at yahoo dot com
Great post! My favorite movie of all time is Titanic.
Oh Mia, Mia, Mia!!!! I love the cover and the title is awesome!
ReplyDeleteShana--I've never seen Sliding Doors. Who was in it?
ReplyDeleteam a dog person
ReplyDeletebn100candg at hotmail dot com
I am a dog person and who loves to read. I think one of the first books I read was a collection of Fairy Tales my favorite being Rapunzel.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy movies but don't have a favorite. However, one of my favorite books is The Scapegoat by Daphne du Maurier. Now that was one book I could get lost in because it was about 2 men who were mirror images of each other. i could relate because I am a twin and i have lived my life with a mirror image. JWIsley(at)aol(dot)com
Congratulations on the releases, I'm loving your books. the first book reading actually they owned by Stephen King. A friend recommended it well actually put it in my face when I told her I didn't like to read. she said I just needed the right books that interested me. And she was right, next came Twilight. Now I'm an addict!! Realy I can read a book in a day.
ReplyDeleteAs for favorite movie. It just depends on my mood. Over all I'd go with The Others. I love the unexpected ending and that it didn't take away frim the story.
As for where I read...the answer is everywhere. So I tend to lean more towards my Nook app on my phone. For the same reason as you I suppose. That and it makes it a lot easier to read at need for a lamp. Thats not to say I don't appreciate a physical book though because I love my books. No matter how I'm reading them.
Question 2 - I get lost in a story every time I read one. If I don't or am not pulled in very far, then the author needs to work on her/his craft.
ReplyDeleteQues. 3 - The first book I remember having read to me was BAMBI. The first romance was THE PRIZE by Julie Garwood.
Ques. 4 - I read any where and any time. I always have a book with me and carry a kindle as well.
Ques. 6 - We are animal people. Snakes are really the easiest to care for and less trouble than most. However, dogs are my favorite. We have had many and currently have 3.
I love the sound of PLAID TIDINGS.
What's your favorite movie of all time?-- Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley. LE SWOON.
ReplyDeleteHow Often do you get lost in a story?-- As often as possible-- even when I shouldn't be ;-)
What's the first book you remember reading?-- The first book I remember reading myself and for the simple pleasure of it, was the novelized version of the Scooby Doo movie. I loved Scooby Doo, and, frankly, still do :-)
Where do you read and how often?-- Either in my big comfy reading chair or bed. It relaxes me and gets my head out of worries it has no business being in, so I sleep better.
Who's your favorite villain?-- Loki from Thor. I love the banter. And, let's face it, Tom Hiddleston is a hottie :-)
OK, this question has nothing to do with stories, but are you a dog person or cat person?-- I'm not allowed to be either, because I am allergic. Boo!
Okay, I'm a dog person all the way!! Great contest, thanks for the chance.
ReplyDeletemlawson17 at Hotmail dot com
1. Good question. I have two favorite movies- Life with Father and Inn of the Sixth Happiness. These are my favorites, but it was hard to come to these two.
ReplyDelete4. since getting a Kindle in 2010, I find myself reading EVERYWHERE. The other day I was in line for a long time at the grocer and was reading to distract myself. I had a huge list of errands and this was NOT on the list. I even bought a bigger purse to have my Kindle with me at all times!
Thanks for sharing more about you and for giving us a chance to share.
What’s the first book you remember reading?
ReplyDeleteThe first children's book was probably Green Eggs and Ham. LOL
The first book I remember as a preteen was Mrs. Mike by Benedict and Nancy Freedman. I just loved the RCMP hero and I remember wishing someone would call me their 'little cabbage' in French. *sigh*
Marcy Shuler
Great post, Mia.
ReplyDeleteLooks like I missed the contest, but that's okay. Just want to drop in to support you. Hugs!
Congrats on the new book!
Catslady--I bet lots of romance readers got started with Woodiwiss. My mom put a copy of the Flame & the Flower into my hands and told me I had to read it.
ReplyDeleteDi--The only think I remember about 7 Brides is that the brothers all had biblical/alphabetical names and that Frank was short for frankincense!
ReplyDeleteJena--To this day I have never seen the Titanic. You see, I suspect the boat sinks . . .
ReplyDeleteAngela--Thanks. Love your enthusiasm!
ReplyDeleteBN--Me too. Love my puppies.
ReplyDeleteJoye--I remember my mom reading me fairy tales and folk tales when I was a kid. Some of them were really obscure like "Little Jackal" stories. He was a typical trickster hero who outwitted his stronger enemies.
ReplyDeleteA Neely--My sister-in-law got her son to start reading with Stephen King. I know he's a brilliant storyteller, but I can't handle horror.
ReplyDeleteLibrary Pat--Snakes? Sakes! What kind do you have?
ReplyDeleteChelsea--Love Matthew MacFadyen's voice. He's a worthy Darcy. And yeah, Loki is a good villain and like Sean Bean as Boromir, it doesn't hurt that Hiddleston is easy to watch.
ReplyDeleteMartha--I do #HarryTheDachshundThoughts on my Twitter and one of my favorites is: A dog on a lap leads to world peace, a cat to world domination!
ReplyDeleteLisaScrapBooker--I use my Kindle and my phone's kindle app interchangeably. I love that if I read on one, the other will automaticlaly update to the right page.
ReplyDeleteMarcy--Now I'm showing my internet slang ignorance. What does RCMP mean?
ReplyDeleteUnknown- You didn't miss the contest! The winner won't be announced till tomorrow, Sunday the 27th.
ReplyDeleteHi Mia! It's been fun getting to know you. Here's my answers:
ReplyDelete1) "The Sound of Music" is my favorite movie of all time.
2)I can get lost in a story most of the time, unless I absolutely dislike the characters!
3) First book I remember reading is Charlotte's Web
4)I read everywhere and anywhere I can every single day! :-)
5)Favorite villain is the Wicked Witch of the West. Love the line "I'll get you my pretty, and your little dog too!"
6) I'm neither a cat or dot person since I have allergies.
I love the cover of Plaid Tidings!
I'm always lost in a book (or two)...and I read pretty much EVERYWHERE (yes, I try not to get toothpaste on the books, lol). My favorite movie is Ladyhawke although I haven't seen it recently, the earliest books I remember reading are Miss Osborn the Mop and The Kitchen Madonna, no particular favorite villains (maybe that robot guy in The Terminator) and I love both dogs and cats for different things...playing vs. cuddling.
ReplyDeleteNice cover, Mia!
ReplyDeleteFavorite Movie: Moonstruck
Lost in a story: all the time
First book: The Witch of Blackbird Pond
Where and how often: Every day, everywhere.
Favorite Villain: Snape
Dog or cat: Cat, but I like dogs, too!
Beef Stew is what for supper, its in the crock pot right now. Favorite movie is Dirty Dancing and the first book that really got me started reading romance is Gone with the Wind and yes I have a copy on my book shelf. I read both paper and ebooks but my Kindle is my favorite thing to read on now. I have the kindle paperwhite and its a lot easery to see to read.
ReplyDeleteAs to where do you read and how often my answer is: Anywhere, yesterday while waiting for the dreaded mammogram I had my book in my purse and read a little before being called in. I keep a book in my car in case I'm stuck in traffic and always a book in my never know when you will be in a place with time on your hands. JFWisherd(at)aol(dot)com
ReplyDeleteThe first book that I remember reading is "Gone With The Wind". I was still in grade school and read it under the covers with a flash light. I was up all night!